What You Should Do During A Flood
Lately, the Tri-state has seen some pretty extensive flooding and not everyone knows what they should do in flood conditions since flooding isn't a frequent or predictable natural disaster in this area. Floods can happen quickly and with almost no warning. According to Ready.gov, the following safety tips should be followed in the event that a flood warning is issued in your area:
To prepare a home for impending flooding, follow these instructions:
After the flood, many return home unsure of what to do or where to start. Follow these tips to stay safe upon entering your home after the flood:
Always have an emergency flood plan in place to help evacuate your family swiftly in the case of a flooding emergency.
If you're currently displaced due to flooding here in the Tri-state area, please read this article on where to find a shelter or aid or check out this article on where to get free sandbags right now during flooding here in Evansville!