There’s a lot of Good Happening in our Community
We need to take a minute to recognize all the good things that are happening in our community.
'Tis the season of giving, and adults and children across the Tri-State are doing just that. I wanted to take a minute to recognize these kind souls for their hard work and caring hearts.
Here are some headlines I came across this morning that I thought deserved more recognition:
4th grade students at Country Heights Elementary donated socks to nursing homes for the holidays.
Christ the King Middle School students donated homemade blankets to Holly's House.
Employees of Romain Cross Pointe Auto Park donated 51 bikes to the Evansville Boys Girls Club.
Christian Community Outreach has given 100 families a Christmas basket for the holidays.The baskets included food items like meats, bread and can goods.
Sometimes it's nice to take a break from all the flashy news and recognize all the good people we have making the Tri-State a better place.
So, I want to say 'thank you', especially to the children, for all your hard work.
Merry Christmas!
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