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Warrick Humane Society’s $5 Donation Drive to Help Fund New Building
Warrick Humane Society’s $5 Donation Drive to Help Fund New Building
Warrick Humane Society’s $5 Donation Drive to Help Fund New Building
Most people can spare $5, and if lots of people chip in, those small donations add up to something huge—like a whole new building for the Humane Society. It's all about everyone doing a little part to achieve something big and impactful together.
Tank is a Young Adoptable Labrador Retriever in Warrick Co.
Tank is a Young Adoptable Labrador Retriever in Warrick Co.
Tank is a Young Adoptable Labrador Retriever in Warrick Co.
Tank's a big sweetheart. He used to live with cats and got along famously with them. He seems like he'd be a great buddy for other dogs too. If you've got a dog at home, bring them over to see how they get along!

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