OMG! Cuteness overload! Michael Rosenbaum fell in love, and adopted a sweet little puppy, over the weekend. If you follow Michael on social media, you've seen pics of Irv (the human and the dog). Irv is his grandfather's name, and so he named his dog after his grandpa. Now, he's added to the family, with Blanche (Namesake of his grandmother). All of this happened over Grandparent's Day Weekend... How sweet is that?

Here's how the adoption unfolded, in his own words...

What an insane weekend. I went to #saltlakecity FanX and while i was there at the convention, The Humane Society Of Utah had a litter of puppies. Well I didn’t plan on this but I fell in love with all of them but one in particular. She looked like a baby version of my dog Irv. My grandfather’s name is Irv by the way.

Meet Blanche! Photo: Michael Rosenbaum FB
Meet Blanche! Photo: Michael Rosenbaum FB

Anyway I was leaving to Portland for another con but The wonderful and amazing Trisha Helfer said she’d fly back with the dog if i wanted. Well after going back and forth and asking everyone if they thought it was a good idea, I flew to Portland for another con and didn’t get her.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about this pup so with only an hour before the Convention was over in Salt Lake I emailed this guy Aaron who was a freaking dream. He managed to get a crate from a local pet store quickly and set it all up so Trisha could take the pup home for me.

Love at first site! Photo: Michael Rosenbaum FB
Love at first site! Photo: Michael Rosenbaum FB

Miraculously it was smooth sailing and the little pup didn’t make a sound the whole flight. Jason Momoa was on the flight with Trisha and carried my pup off the plane yelling “I have Rosenbaum’s dog”. You rock Jason.

Then Trish got home and all her cats played with the pup who I now named BLANCHE (that’s my grandmother by the way. Who’s married to Irv... human Irv).

So now while I’m still in Portland... my wonderful assistant Jessica Santaferraro is heading over to Trisha’s house to get Blanche. I am so happy that I was able to rescue this wonderful creature and so lucky to have so many incredible people around me who made it all happen.

How cute is she?! Photo: Michael Rosenbaum FB
How cute is she?! Photo: Michael Rosenbaum FB

Thank you again and again #SaltLakeCityFanX and Daniel Logan who also volunteered to take Blanche home and to Arron who busted his ass to get things worked out and to Dan Farr who threw an awesome show together and mostly to the #HumaneSocietyOfUtah who devote their lives to saving animals and finding homes for them. To everyone who said get the dog... THANK YOU! I’m so excited to fly back home knowing i have a new baby girl to take care of. Irv, Blanche is on her way. I love you Aunt Trish . You’re a gem. Love to all. Everyone... I introduce to you the new member of my family.

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