Is it possible that two of the things men try to avoid the most could combine forces into something good?

Dad's and ponytails have been mortal enemies since the first day a little girl didn't want her hair in her face and her mother wasn't around to do anything about it because she had been eaten by a bear or some other wild beast (it was a long time ago when that kind of thing was commonplace).

As a father of a young girl, my ponytail skills have developed from well below average to "good enough" at best over the years. I can do enough to keep the hair out of her face, but whether or not the end result looks good is debatable. However, there may be hope for dad's like me thanks to that one household appliance we also generally try to stay away from, the vacuum cleaner.

I first saw this trick after a friend shared it on Facebook, and I knew I had to give it a try. This particular video is not the one I saw because I couldn't figure out how to embed it from Facebook, but it demonstrates the same thing.

Now, my attempt with help from my 9-year-old son who served as cameraman and is the voice you'll hear at the end.

Is it perfect? Not really. And the practically of getting the vacuum cleaner out every time I need to put my daughter's hair into a ponytail is debatable, but if you're looking for an easier way to get your little girl's hair ready for the day, it seems to do the trick.

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