While many of us are scurrying around to get the best Valentine's Day present this year, one lawyer is doing his part to help the fallen-out-of-love do the same.

For the second year in a row, Detroit attorney Walter H. Bentley III (and, really, with a name like that what other occupation could he possibly have?) is holding a contest in which he'll reward one lucky (but unlucky in love) person with a free divorce.

Bentley thinks he's providing a much-needed service:

People want to move on. I’m trying to help them have a very happy Valentine’s Day for 2015 by taking care of their past and putting an end to that in 2014.”

And why does Bentley choose this holiest of all romantic days for his publicity stunt? “Because Valentine's Day is a tough day for people that are in a relationship that they don’t want to be in,” he says.

You have to live in Michigan to be eligible and anyone who'd like to learn more should head over to Bentley's website or Facebook page for additional information, although it should be noted the deadline for entries has ended, much like the love in the marriages he's being asked to legally dissolve.

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