Check Out Pics from the Set of the Short-Film “Deadly Damsel,” Starring Our Own Gavin!
Gavin is somehow getting work as an actor.
My good friend Ryan McCurdy works production over at Eyewitness News, however, his true passion is making films. His latest film, Deadly Damsel, just recently wrapped principle photography and is now in the editing stages.
The film follows the character of the Deadly Damsel, played wonderfully by Evansville theatre alum and all around great actress Kiley Eberhard. The Damsel is a vigilante who takes justice into her own hands.
The plot of the film is that two characters named Tragedy and Comedy have taken a city councilman hostage after a decision is passed to tear down a historic theatre in their city. The character of Tragedy is played by theatre-alum and film newcomer Wendy Brown. The Councilman is played by friend of the Afternoon Show, Kevin Roach, who spends a lot of time tied up.
The character of Comedy is probably my favorite, because he's played by me! Yep, I'm making my Ryan McCurdy short film debut in this film. I had a great time shooting, and even though I didn't always agree with the choices being made, I ultimately enjoyed my experience.
None of this film would have been possible with out the help and support of the Evansville Civic Theatre, where the entirety of the film was shot. It was super cool to get to shoot in such a cool location. The theatre really provided the creepy atmosphere the film required.
Everyone in the cast did a fantastic job and the crew was also great. It's always a lot of fun to get together with people you enjoy being around and creating something unique and fun. While the film looks like a horror movie, it's really not. It's more of an action-thriller as opposed to straight horror.
The film should be out by late summer with a trailer being released soon. Once that drops, I'll be sure to share it with you!