CAPE Energy Assistance Program is Taking Appointments
If you're having trouble paying your Vectren bill, the Community Action Program of Evansville is offering help. The CAPE Energy Assistance Program provides assistance with payment of gas, electric and fuel bills. This program normally runs from October through March.
The Energy Assistance Program year for 2019 – 2020 will start November 4, 2019. CAPE starting taking appointment at their office in downtown Evansville, 401 SE 6th St. STE 001–Welborn Plaza (former Welborn hospital )this morning and will continue to take appointments on a first-come-first-serve basis until all openings are full.
All EAP benefits are not final until submitted to the utility vendor for payment. Benefit amounts are subject to change pending review by the local community action agency. Even though you are getting help with your utility bills, EAP benefits will not cover them completely. So YOU must keep paying on your bills throughout the year
Once you are approved for EAP some utility companies are regulated by a state law that says you can’t be disconnected from December 1st through March 15th. However, you may be disconnected before December 1st or after March 15th.
Weatherization services may help reduce your energy consumption. Ask what you can do to conserve energy and how the weatherization program might help you.
Applications are by appointment or return slip only. The CAPE entrance is located on Cherry Street side of the building – Look for the red door. For more information call (812) 492-3928 or (812) 425-4241.
Posey & Gibson Counties residents can pick up Mail-in applications at the local CAP offices:
1113 Main St. Mt. Vernon (812) 838-4839
115 N. Prince St. Princeton (812) 386-6576
Applications also available online at
Energy Assistance Program runs from November 4, 2019 to May 15, 2020.