Should The Rob Be Ashamed of This Purchase? [POLL]
I swear it was a spur of the moment purchase...
I've never hiden from the fact that I'm a kid at heart. My apartment is still lined with posters from my childhood and would be enough to make any 90s child jealous. I was doing some grocery shopping yesterday and something caught my eye...
As I kid, I LOVED "DuckTales." The Disney show ran for four years from the late 80's through the early 90s. I always enjoyed the short, outlandish adventures that Scrooge McDuck would find himself in with his three nephews, Huey, Duey, and Louie. The price was right for these boxed-sets, together I paid only $19.98 for 50 episodes, 20 hours of "DuckTales!"
I'm 29 years old. Should I be ashamed of this nostalgia trip from my childhood and left for the childrens' audience I'm sure it's intended for? Or should I be proud that I got a great deal on awesome television show I loved 20 years ago?