On Kesha's new reality show 'My Crazy Beautiful Life' she picks a member of her tour crew to date, simply because he had a beard. This got Rob thinking that maybe he should grow a beard so he might have a chance with Kesha. Kat and Chandelle both think he should, because they both think beards make a man more attractive, but Rob isn't so sure.



This sounds like a terrible idea.  I don’t think I will look very good with facial hair.  In fact, I find hair in general to be gross.  I don't grow hair very fast, in fact I only need to shave my face about twice per week as is.  I am open to suggestions though if it would make me less ugly.


I don't like all beards, but I do like a good beard on the right guy. I would be curious to see what Rob would look like with a beard. I say he should definitely give it a try! At the very least, moving forward in life, he'll either know it looks good or he'll know that he doesn't. He'll never know for sure if he doesn't try! Bring on the whiskers!!


As long as the beard comes in thick with no patchy, bold spots, I think it makes a man much more attractive. I almost always prefer a man with a beard over clean shaven. I'm not positive that a beard is the right look for Rob, but i definitely think he should test it out.

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