Ryan Plays Cupid with Surprise Valentine’s Day Flower Delivery [PHOTOS]
Ahhhhh Valentine's Day. That special day every February where show the person you love how much you care with some sort of token of affection. This year I decided to help strengthen a few love bonds by acting as delivery man for some lucky people who won free roses from Zeidler's.
The concept was simple, sign up here on the website, tell me who you want me to deliver the flowers to, and I'll take them. The end.
It hit me as our web guru, Ashley, and I made the deliveries that these weren't just flowers I was delivering, these were keys to the gates of heaven, if you know what I'm saying. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that I may be partially responsible for a few new lives that will make their earthly debuts roughly nine months from now. The best part of that being I won't be financially tethered to them for the rest of my life. Win-win for everybody!
Of the five winners, we were only able to get photos with three as one was busy with that whole "work" thing and couldn't come up front to claim them right away, and another that wasn't scheduled to be at work until about an hour later. The three I was able to meet with face-to-face were pleasantly surprised by the gesture, and I'm sure will reward the giver with the appropriate "gift" later on.
Five winners were selected, and none of them knew what was going on, which was the way I wanted it.