Learn How Your Old Christmas Tree Can Help Create New Fish Habitats
Wednesday, January 6th is National Take Down Your Christmas Tree Day, and if you had a live tree this year, and you haven't gotten rid of it yet, here is a great way to recycle that bad boy. You can put that old tree to good use and create new fish habitats.
According to the Rend Lake Facebook page, those old trees will be "grouped together and attached to a weight to sink them and replenish the fish attractors. These sunken Christmas trees provide places for food to grow; places for small fish to hide; places for larger fish to feed; and places for you to come to fish." What a brilliant idea...I had no idea!
(Re: This picture...If I didn't know what I was looking at, I'd say this looks like some kind of Christmas tree mob hit. Those trees won't be ratting out anyone else, will they?)
The folks at Rend Lake are taking donations of old, live Christmas trees, so you can certainly feel free to give it to them - but I reckon you could also give your tree to just about anyone who owns a local fishing hole. Maybe it goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway - this does not apply to artificial trees. And please make sure to remove all of your decorations before hand.
Is this kind of thing common knowledge? I feel like it kind of is, and I'm feeling kind of silly for just now learning about it. But, I love learning new things, so I'll just chalk this up as my new thing for the day. Yay!

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