KISS-FM Listeners Remember September 11th [FEEDBACK]
The terrorist attacks on New York and Washington D.C. rocked the nation, and continue to leave a lasting impression on the American conscious to this day. We asked you to share the story of where you were on that day, and this is what you said.
Kenny Frantz I was in sixth grade and the teacher turned on the tv for us to watch and this influence me to become a firefighter and now am.
Kara PureRomance Deller I was a sophomore and we were taking the istep. I still remember the teacher that ran into out room and told our teacher to turn on the news. It was a scary day.
Sarah Webb I was a sophomore at Henderson County High School and I was in a history class when this happened! My teacher, my peers, and I were watching this happen on the news and in tears just praying for those innocent people and their families! Such a terrible day that will never be forgotten!
Suze Foss I was on my way to work at the university when my sister called and told me to turn on TV. I turned it on just moments before the first tower fell. I was stunned - all of time stopped in that moment. The second tower fell. I did go to work, where a TV was set up in the offices. There was no talking. It was silent, save for the television reporters speaking. There was talk that we might be struck. But we stayed in place: Our small way of standing against terrorism. That night and for several nights, I lit a candle on the porch and watched the night sky. Normally, there were plane lights joining the night skies, as we were close to a major airport. But not that night nor for many nights after. Not long after, I left the university, moved closer to family and joined AmeriCorps - to take a personal stand against terrorism. Like many Americans, that day - I wanted to stand one with my country....MY country: America!
Cathy Clary Justice Was getting ready for work and happened to walk by the TV and heard "plane has crashed into one of the Twin Towers in New York", I stopped in my tracks. Dumbfounded. Speechless. On my way to work the skies were bare and there was a very uneasy feeling in my stomach. Listening to all the news on the radio in the car, I just broke down crying. Very emotional. Will never forget that morning. God bless all!
Neil Mason I lived in Columbus Ohio. I had to take the bus too work since my car was in the shop. When the first plane hit the bus driver got a phone call from his daughter. She was in that tower. Never did find out if she made it. He stopped the bus and told us what happened. It was heart wrenching looking at him. You could tell he was worried about her and the others. I watched the second plane hit from work, and the towers fall. I was working at a fine dining italian restaurant. Almost no one came in that day. It was hell getting home. I picked up my car, all the streets were backed up with cars waiting in line for gas. I needed to go through downtown to get home. But they had blocked it off since we also had a world trade center.
Elaine Hartman I will never forget it! ..I was watching the today show after the first plane had hit & then I saw the other hit while I was on the phone with my mother...I was in total shock & terrified at the same time...I wanted to get to kids (one from work &the other at school),, & hubby from work...cause I didn't know what was gonna happen will forever be imbedded in my head & my heart....
Jeremy Troll Wilson I worked third shift at a grocery store, so I was a sleep. My friend lived in the same apartments, the ones behind Barnes and Noble. He woke us up, my other room mate, and said the world was ending. We turned on the tv just time to see the second plane hite. We looked out our windows and could see Thortons gas station the line of cars waiting to get gas ran so far down Bellmeade we could not see the end. We did not know if we should run for the hills or stay where we were. We stayed and went to work that night. Thinking they can not stop us from living our lives. That night when we went to work the store was almost empty of every thing from people stalking up. All we could think is wow is this real? It took several weeks to order every thing the store needed to be full again.
Chasity Bradford I was asleep at a friends house and woke up to her mom screaming
Chastidy Mayes Man, I was working my 2nd job @ Hardess in the drive thru, 1 of my regs came through & say " Miss turn on the radio or something, we hv jst been attacked, there has been so many lives taken!" We turned on every radio we could find, it was so creepy NOBODY in tht restaurant moved a muscle, nobody breathed, it was dead, nothing it was the weirdest feeling mixed w/ fear & sadness @ the same time! It was like the whole world was under attack or something! I will NEVER 4get tht day, not now, not ever! Such sad, sad day!
Ricky Schroeder I was working at the first baptist church in linton Indiana as the building supervisor. I remember when it happened we put the tv in the office area and watched the coverage all day. Our hearts just sank because of all the innocent lives that were taken that day.
Glen Bieber I was in bed that morning, I had the TV on to help me sleep, I had awakened to hear that a plane had hit one of the twin towers.
I laid there thinking, 'Tall building, Lower Manhattan, low flying plane that's not unusual' Little did I know what was happening, when I turned over to face the TV, I saw it, a jetliner crashed into the second building.
I got dressed and ran downstairs and turned on the news reports.
I told my mom what was happening, at first she didn't believe me. I told her to watch the news, she was shocked.
This is our generations Pearl Harbor. Never Forget.
Sarah Raymann I was late for school that day in middle school. I remember getting to class and wondering why the news was on tv and everyone looked so sad.
Kelly Crawford Collier In my doctors office hoping to get a positive pregnancy test. We had our 4th child 8 mths later. I was already in a worried, excited state because my oldest was starting his first day of preschool and my father in law was in the middle of a life saving heart operation. Then I heard the news...and it sank in slowly as the news got worse and worse. One of the most emotionally charged days of my life. Even my happy news of being pregnant turned to worry wondering what world we were bringing him into.
Krista Beck I was 45 minutes outside of NYC on my way to work. Z100 started talking about the towers being hit and my mouth dropped open. It was so unbelievable that something like that would happen. I tried to call home (to Henderson) when I got to work but all of the phone lines were jammed up. We tried to catch video on internet but it was jammed up as well. We were immediately sent home and the office closed up. I picked up my babies and went home and watched the news all day. Every time a plane flew over our office we would all just stop and hold our breath. It would be several, several months before I was able to go into New York City without fear.