The Secrets of the Abandoned Witches Castle near Jeffersonville, Indiana
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Have you ever been walking through the woods and found something completely unexpected like an abandoned house, cabin, or building? To me, that would be the ultimate reward during a walk through woods that you aren't familiar with. My imagination starts running wild with curiosity.
Abandoned Fascination
My mom had a love for the abandoned which she passed along to my sister and me. Before Indiana's West Baden Hotel was renovated, my mom and sister, and I found an opening over a boarded-up doorway and we went inside to explore. Yes, It's amazing now, but in an abandoned state, it was chillingly breathtaking. I could almost feel the ghosts of the hotel looking down from the balcony at us and hear their whispers.
If Wall Could Talk

Witches Castle
The Witches of Utica
Ghosts and an Evil Force
The Paranormal Research and Resource Society investigated the property. During their investigation, they believe they made contact with several spirits that communicated to them that they were being held there by an evil force. Listen to one of their recordings.
Ghosts Seen and Heard
The PRRS investigation team believes that, based on evidence collected from four ghost box sessions to collect any possible audio, and the appearance of a ghostly apparition during their investigative sessions at the Witches Castle, that the small, abandoned house in the woods of Utica, IN is definitely haunted.
Do Not Enter
[Paranormal Research and Resouce Society]
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