How To Cook Delicious Morel Mushrooms
You know when it's springtime in the midwest, it's also time for mushroom hunting. In the Tristate, Morel mushrooms are a favorite season delicacy. Weekends, and sometimes early mornings are spent hunting the forest floor for the delicious fungi.
They are just beginning to pop up all over in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. The hunting season for us starts in April and, if you live more north, until June. This weekend, I had family members' photos on social media displaying their spoils. My cousin took her granddaughter out for the first time. We all grew up mushroom hunting. My grandma's Hollar was the best place to find mushrooms. If you've never been before, you may not understand the whole morel mushroom craze.

So, let me help you. Here is where to go and what to look for.
- mossy and old log areas
- around pines, oaks, poplar trees, and elm trees
Here are other places where you are sure to find some morel mushrooms that I didn't even know about.
The mushrooms come in various sizes, but this is what you need to look for in the woods' damp ground.
Now, once you find them, how do you prepare them?
- First, I was taught to wash them thoroughly with cold water. Make sure no bugs are crawling around in the cracks, unless, of course, you like bugs. LOL
- Put oil in a frying pan and turn heat to medium.
- Then, cut the mushrooms in half starting at the top, slicing all the way down to the bottom of the stem.
- In a bowl, beat a couple of eggs, or more, depending on how many mushrooms you are making.
- In a separate bowl, mix some flour, salt, and pepper. The amounts will vary depending on taste and how many mushrooms you plan to cook.
- Take half of a mushroom and dip in eggs, then place in flour mixture and coat the entire mushroom.
- Put in vegetable oil and cook each side until golden brown.
- Once the mushroom is cooked, take it out of oil and place it on a napkin topped plate, like you do bacon slices, and let cool.
- Then, ENJOY!
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