Here’s What To Do With The Trash Piling Up Because Of Winter Weather
Every Sunday night, we take our trash toter our to the curb full of the previous weeks waste since our normal trash pickup day is Monday. Unfortunately like the rest of the Tri-state, we got heavy snow Sunday night into Monday and for the safety of their employees, trash service didn't run. Now it's Thursday and the trash is still sitting out at the curb. Sound familiar? So what do we do?
Shawn & I live within what is defined as the "city limits" of Evansville. Because of that, we pay for our trash service as part of our monthly Evansville Water and Sewer Utility bill. Factored into that monthly bill is trash service through Republic Services. Since the snow Sunday and Monday and then the additional snow on yesterday and today, our street is still lined with snow-covered, full trash toters.
It was announced yesterday afternoon and then updated this morning via the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Facebook page that due to the dangerous circumstances from the snow, that service would once again be suspended. They said they've actually had multiple slide-offs reported by drivers because while main roads may be clear, many of the side roads throughout the city are not.

So that leaves us wondering what do we do with the new trash that we've accumulated since the toter went to the curb on Monday? According to that same Facebook post, you can bag your trash and place it beside your already full toter and "it will be reloaded by our drivers at no added cost this week or next. As we transition back to regular schedule next week, our customers will quickly see us return to the service days they expect from us." So good news! You can set it out to the curb and it will still get collected... eventually. For us, since our service typically collects on Mondays, I doubt we'll see a truck come by before next week.
If you have an Evansville address but live outside of the city limits like we did in our previous home, you likely pay for your trash service separately and through another provider all together, depending on where you live. However, I suspect the same will hold true for those services as well - set any additional bagged trash beside your toter. Of course, to be sure you can always check your providers website or Facebook page.
[Source: Evansville Water and Sewer Utility via Facebook]
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