Governor Andy Beshear Unveils Phase Two of Reopening Kentucky
As states around the country are starting to gradually reopen services, like restaurants and fitness centers, Kentuckians now have dates and guidance for Phase Two of reopening the state.
Governor Andy Beshear announced the following dates for reopening services:
Friday, May 22nd: Restaurants, at 33 percent capacity and outdoor seating which is properly socially distanced. The Governor also emphasized proper deep cleaning/sanitizing will need to take place for dining.
Monday, June 1st: Movie theaters and fitness centers, follow guidelines/steps for Healthy at Work.
Thursday, June 11th: Campgrounds, follow guidelines/steps for Healthy at Work.
Monday, June 15th: Childcare, youth sports (low touch and outdoors)
Additionally, the Governor announced bars could reopen, groups of 50 could gather in July, no specified date yet.
Phase One reopenings will begin next Monday in Kentucky. Find more on Healthy at Work and guidance HERE.
Here is Governor Beshear's daily briefing from Thursday, May 7th:
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