Evansville Slated for Trolley Service to Tie Cultural Areas Together
Evansville has plenty of cab services. We've finally gotten on board with Uber and Lyft and we've even got our own Pedi-cab! Soon we may be able to add trolley services to the list of transportation options in the city.
The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville, and Evansville local, Amy Word-Smith are currently in talks to bring a trolley system to Evansville with the purpose of creating connectivity between Franklin Street, the Main Street Walkway and the Haynie's Corner Art's District.
I don't know if the trolley will be driven by electric, gas or some sort of sustainable fuel source but there is certainly an opportunity here to add something cool and unique to the city of Evansville. As of right now, based off of bits of info gleaned from Facebook, it seems that the trolley project will be privately funded and will likely be a pay-to-ride situation, although the exact cost to ride has yet to be determined.
Is this a transportation option that you would use?