Kat was left fan-girling after Coca-cola replied to one of her tweets during the big game.

On Sunday, like the rest of America, I was watching the Superbowl. Now, I'll be honest, I watch for the commercials. Every year, I pick a team the week before the big game and then I root for them come Sunday. This year was no different. I was cheering on the Falcons and eagerly awaiting the commercials. I was also tweeting throughout the game and when the Coca-cola commercial came on celebrating what makes America (and the world) wonderful - diversity & inclusion. I quickly shot out a tweet to Coke giving them my stamp of approval. Imagine my surprise when they replied!

Kat Tweet Coca-Cola
Kat Mykals

I think that this is what makes Coca-cola such an iconic global brand. They just get it. "Together is beautiful."


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