I love getting in the spirit of decorating for fall and especially Halloween. The Mitchell Family is taking decorating to a whole new level and dragging their skeletons out of the closet so the whole world can see~
At least once in your life, you have probably looked for gold at the end of a rainbow right?! We found a doodle from Indiana who's discovered more than gold.
Have you ever been around those people who always have to address an issue in the most unfortunate and not so nice way? They've been deemed the "Karen's" of the world.
Stress-eat: Eat or overeat as a means of relieving stress or anxiety, rather than from hunger. Oxford Dictionaries
Have you ever just had an exceptionally long day at work (#8HourConferenceCall) and you get home and you realize you didn't get a chance to eat breakfast and you wolfed down your lunch and you're exhausted and hungry and you really want a nap, but it sounds more fun to just shovel so
A Knottsville, KY family just staged one of the most explosive family photos you'll ever see. It featured a shotgun-wielding grandma and a big flaming fireball. Check out the pics!
Jennifer Vogel and Valerie Simmons of Owensboro aren't content to celebrate their birthdays just one day a year. So, they have hilariously-named extended celebrations!
Reid's Orchard in Owensboro got a new potbelly pig over this year and she's made herself right at home. Including having no problem eating all the snacks she can get.
Angel here and last Friday I had a remote broadcast out at Reid's and one of my favorite things to do while I'm there is feed the farms animals down in Reidland Play Area. Conveniently...