Today, on The Rob's Radio Show with Kat Mykals, we talked about the perks of being a single woman. Kat, who is a single woman and Rob who is 77% female and was single for a long time both had some experience in the matter. See what they had to say about the subject as well as our listeners best responses from social media!

She Really Likes Being Single, Like, A LOT

Jo Lisa Pjs aaaaall weekend. I do what I wanna do. No other family to split holidays with. I don't have to pretend to like anyone's friends (or girlfriends!). My money is my money. My pets don't argue with me, lie to my face, or flirt with people behind my back. I can use all 14 pillows when I go to sleep if I want to. I can watch cartoons or listen to music and sing every song out loud. And I don't have to share my icecream or my glass of wine and I don't have to sit around and be heartbroken when my bday comes around...I ALWAYS remember my own bday.

He Can Hang with the Fire Hoses

Ryan Miller Doing what I want when I want with whoever I want to do it with. I can spend as much time at the firehouse as I want without getting told I spend to much time there

He Can Save His Money for Important Things, Like Beer

John Sargent No stress and keeping my cash

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