This Keg of Heat 🔥 Will Set Your Fall Tailgate Party On Fire
Listen up you heat freaks, you know who you are. It's probably just about everybody. It seems like most everyone loves them some Fireball. I know I do.

The first time I tasted it, I was in love, well a love/hate kinda thing. You know what I mean? Yeah, you do. It was so much better than the cinnamon schnapps I used to hide from my parents. Well, that and a bottle of Boone's Farm - Strawberry Hill. Don't judge me, you know you did it too. But, Fireball is a whole other level of delicious heat.
Now, for a limited time, Fireball can be enjoyed by many at one time. Are you sitting down? Fireball Kegs are a thing. FireKegs contains over five liters of straight Fireball and has three taps. Great idea! It contains over 115 shots. I'm getting warm just writing about it.
FireKegs are going to be available this month, at every liquor store that sells Fireball. The price? Around $75 per FireKeg. Bring on the heat! But, please drink responsibly.
Are you a heat freak or do you know somebody who is? Here are some gift ideas to go along with the Firekeg.
12 Gift Ideas For the Fireball Fanatic In Your LIfe
Make these table nachos! They pair great with Fireball.
How to Make Table Nachos
If you like Fireball, you might want to try these hot snacks too.
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