
Sugar High
Sugar High
Sugar High
Indiana State Police have issued a warning to parents that troopers and area police are finding candy laced with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Southwest Indiana. THC is the chemical compound in marijuana that makes the user high. Most of the drug laced candy found by troopers are in the form of suckers, gummy worms and gummy bears...
Miley Loves Weed
Miley Loves Weed
Miley Loves Weed
She's come a long way from being disappointed in herself for being caught smoking salvia from a bong. Another nugget from Miley Cyrus' full-of-reveals Rolling Stone cover story? She thinks cocaine is so '90s – the drug's heyday was actually more in the '80s — and she isn't afraid to wax about her love for weed.

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