The first trailer for Keeping Up With the Joneses hits some predictable comedic beats, but with a cast that includes Zach Galifianakis, Jon Hamm, Isla Fisher and Gal Gadot, how can this one not go on your must-see list? Directed by Greg Mottola (Superbad), the new action comedy pits one of the world’s funniest men against one of the handsomest in a film that looks like a throwback to stuff like Stakeout — remember Stakeout? You had cable in the ’90s, right?
The 2015 Emmy Awards have already taken some wild swings, but everyone saw this one coming. After many years without recognition, Mad Men star Jon Hamm has finally taken home the statue for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama. He didn't even need to devise a world-renowned Coke commercial
Before Jon Hamm played Don Draper on 'Mad Men' -- and before he had an entire Tumblr account dedicated to his, um, package -- he was just another dude with a floppy haircut trying to find love on a dating show.
We like Jon Hamm. We think he's underappreciated by the Emmy's and wish he had a more successful movie career. That said, we just watched this trailer for 'Million Dollar Arm,' Hamm's first lead role and we wish we had nicer things to say about it.
For those, like myself, who have agreed to put down the razor for all of November in an effort to raise awareness for "men's cancers", despite the fact that genetics looks directly in they eye and says, "Really?", here are 20 famous beards you can use to draw inspiration from.
Something tells us not a lot of children in the 'Sesame Street' age demographic watch Jon Hamm on 'Mad Men' or understand why he's a particularly fine specimen of manhood. Regardless, the actor went onto the kids' show and joined Elmo to teach the word of the day: sculpture.
As in, "Doesn't that sculpture of Michelangelo's David remind you of Jon Hamm?"
'Saturday Night Live' got a blast from the past over the weekend when it brought back the popular animated sketch 'The Ambiguously Gay Duo' for the first time in years.
Only this time, it was a little different. Thanks to a devious flesh ray, the ambiguously gay Ace and Gary were transformed into humans, played by none other than Jon Hamm and Jimmy Fallon.