Marvel star Jeremy Renner, known as Hawkeye in multiple movies and shows in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was seriously injured over the New Year’s Eve holiday weekend while he was plowing snow.
According to Renner’s representative:
We can confirm Jeremy is in critical but stable condition with injuries suffered after experiencing a weather related accident while plowing snow earlier today. His f
Of the two ensemble films Jeremy Renner is currently shooting, you’d think the one that isn’t an action-packed superhero flick wouldn’t result in a couple of broken bones — but that’s exactly what happened to the Marvel star on the set of the upcoming comedy movie Tag, which centers on a group of friends that have been participating in an intense 30-year version of the titular game. Seems like something along the lines of Avengers: Infinity War would involve a greater risk of physical injury. You would think that, and you would be wrong.
While there are any number of things to love about this weekend’s theatrical release of Arrival — and we do offer a few of them in our review of the film — one thing that doesn’t always find its way into the buzz is the career rehabilitation of Jeremy Renner. Renner has spent so much time the past few years playing interchangeable action figures that we almost forgot his talent as an actor. It’s been a long time since he’s been this likable.
April 20th is apparently National Look-A-Like Day, which provides me the opportunity to let everyone know, "yes, people have told me I look like that guy from The Avengers."
It's inevitable: one day there will be an 'Avengers' reboot. It's hard to think of now, as 'Avengers 2' hasn't even hit theaters and Phase 3 of Marvel's Cinematic Universe hasn't even begun yet. But, once Robert Downey, Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner all play through their contracts, Marvel is going to have to start over. Now, we don't think Marvel would ever reboot 'The Avengers' as a 70s detective TV series, but if they did? It'd look a lot like this...
So apparently today is National Look-A-Like Day. How this got started is beyond me. I couldn't even find it on Google and Google knows EVERYTHING! Regardless of how it started, there are a few websites out there that can help you find out whether or not you have a celebrity doppelganger so you can see if there's someone that looks just like you making more money in a month than you'll see in a lif
If you've never seen The Town starring Ben Affleck and my apparent twin, Jeremy Renner, for starters, you're missing out on a pretty good flick. Your also apparently missing out on a way to get ideas for pulling off your own heist.
A few years back, a co-worker of mine stopped me in the hall and said that he had just watched a movie called S.W.A.T. which starred a guy by the name of Jeremy Renner that he swore could be my identical twin.