This video, which was only posted to YouTube YESTERDAY, has already been viewed FOUR MILLION times! I can understand why... It's VERY funny. This is a video of a mom breaking the news to her young son and infant daughter that she is going to have another baby. Her son wants NOTHING to do with it, and even scolds his mom for getting pregnant too frequently. After all, she DID just give birth t
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taken over the Internet and, presumably, your Facebook feed. It is all the rage. However, there are plenty of people who've had issues trying to pull it off.
It seems like every day we discover yet another reason to reaffirm the awesomeness of our four-legged friends. For one thing, dogs are super troopers when it comes to our embarrassing Facebook antics.
Like it or not, fall is here, (pretty much, let's not get technical about it, okay?). We all know what that means -- hot apple cider, digging out your sweaters from the back of the closet, and people going on and on about how much they love pumpkin spice lattes.
Kids, they say the darndest things, amirite?? One couple decided to harness the precocity of toddlers to announce to their friends and family that they're having a baby. When they asked their daughter Adela, to tell the camera what's happening in a few months, boy, oh boy, did she ever tell the world...
There's nothing like a good laugh. It can make a good conversation great, it can brighten up an otherwise crappy day, heck it could even help you live longer. The following six things are just a few of the surefire things that will give me, at the very least, a good chuckle.
After shooting our own 'Harlem Shake' last week, I gave you the rules for shooting your own version and included a form where you could upload the YouTube link once it was finished. So far I've received numerous submissions, but none of them are from places I expected.
Ahhhh karaoke. Like so many other ill-advised activities, it's sounds like a great idea after a few several alcoholic beverages. Trust me, I've been there myself. At it's core, karaoke it's meant to give average schmoes like you and I the opportunity to live out our rock star dreams. More times than not, the end result does nothing more than prove that we should keep our day jobs.