Why Am I Afraid of Heights? A Weird Confession From Someone With Acrophobia [Watch]Why Am I Afraid of Heights? A Weird Confession From Someone With Acrophobia [Watch]Why is Bobby afraid of heights? What’s going through his mind when he’s high off the ground? It’s weird and kind of disturbing.Bobby G.Bobby G.LibertyLiberty
Is it Illegal to Use Costumed Characters for Profit?Is it Illegal to Use Costumed Characters for Profit?Liberty confesses to yet another crime in this week's Cubicle Confession.LibertyLibertyBobby G.Bobby G.
Classmate Shares His Memory of Liberty’s Finger-Breaking IncidentClassmate Shares His Memory of Liberty’s Finger-Breaking IncidentAfter my Cubicle Confession this week, a lot of you might think that I was an evil little kid. LibertyLibertyBobby G.Bobby G.
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How Do You Know When it’s Time to Clean Out Your Closet? [VIDEO]How Do You Know When it’s Time to Clean Out Your Closet? [VIDEO]I remember reading somewhere that your closet is basically a look inside your real life. Since mine is either semi-organized or a complete disaster, this seems to be true for me. LibertyLibertyBobby G.Bobby G.
Tri-Staters Answer: Do You Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them?Tri-Staters Answer: Do You Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them?Let's face it, no matter how good you are at laundry, that shirt is going to fade and those jeans are going to shrink.LibertyLibertyMY Morning ShowMY Morning Show
Cubicle Confession: Should I Know How to Use Chop Sticks? [Video]Cubicle Confession: Should I Know How to Use Chop Sticks? [Video]Is it wrong, that in 2020, Bobby doesn't know how to use chop sticks? Should he be ashamed? Should be be ridiculed?Bobby G.Bobby G.MY Morning ShowMY Morning Show