
BigFoot Expedition In Kentucky
BigFoot Expedition In Kentucky
BigFoot Expedition In Kentucky
From the first time I watched Harry & the Henderson's as a kid, I always wanted to know if by some possibility there was a BigFoot Family out in the woods somewhere. My brother and I wanted to go on the search for Harry. Now you can right here in Kentucky.
"Sunsquatching" the Tri-State!
"Sunsquatching" the Tri-State!
"Sunsquatching" the Tri-State!
Many people are excited about the once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse that will be visible from many places in the country. Likewise, many would describe sighting a Sasquatch in the wild to be a less than once-in-a-lifetime occurrence! But imagine if you could experience BOTH of these rare phenomena... AT THE SAME TIME! Well, I can help you!
6 Times Bigfoot was Reportedly Spotted in Southern Indiana [VIDEO]
6 Times Bigfoot was Reportedly Spotted in Southern Indiana [VIDEO]
6 Times Bigfoot was Reportedly Spotted in Southern Indiana [VIDEO]
Reports of Bigfoot feel almost as old as time itself. To this day, people still share fuzzy photos and videos online of abnormal creatures they believe to be the mythical creature. Heck, there's even a TV show dedicated to finding the darn thing. And while a majority of sightings in the U.S. are in the Pacific Northwest (the state of Washington boasts 620 reported sightings), our home state of Ind