If you've been listening on Friday evenings for a while, you know that I like to have a special edition of the My 5 at 5 where every song that's requested must have been released between 1990-1999. It's one of the more popular days of the week for the My 5 at 5. But has the time come for it to expand?

That was suggested by Erica in Evansville who sent in a text request the other day. I'll admit, I like the idea, however I do have concerns. As great as music was in the '90's, is there enough of it to warrant five songs worth every Monday through Friday? My fear is that the same handful of songs will get requested day after day.

I also wonder if we go all '90's every day, the novelty and specialness (is that even a word?) will wear off quickly. I think the appeal of going all '90's on Friday's is that it does only happen once a week. It's like going out for ice cream instead of staying home and eating the store brand stuff in your fridge. If you ate Dairy Queen every time you were in the mood for ice cream, after a while you'd get burnt out on it (in theory) and you'd quit going eventually. The appeal would lose its luster because it's no longer a special treat.

Honestly, I'm torn. On the surface, I love the idea, but the more I think about it I wonder if you can indeed have too much of a good thing after a while. So I'm looking for your input. You're the one who listens everyday, your the one who requests the songs, and your the one who's opinion is the one that matters. So you tell me, what do you want?

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