Parents – Riley Hospital Offering Free Membership to Andrew Luck’s Change the Play Kid’s Club
Andrew Luck and Riley Hospital for Children looking to get kids off the couch and engaged in a healthier, more active lifestyle. And the best part is it's free!
Back in 2013, the duo created the "Change the Play Club," an online club for kids only that encourages them to put down the video game controllers, tablets, and other electronic devices by offering fun activities designed to get them outside and moving, along with tips on better eating habits, and games to improve brain activity.
The Club focuses on a different theme each month geared toward a specific area of living a healthier lifestyle. For example, March focused on learning to cook and offered a recipe kids can make with their parents, along with tips on finding and creating healthier meals.
Membership is free, and can be done through the Change the Play website. New members receive a membership kit that includes a drawstring backpack, a certificate of achievement, an autographed Andrew Luck football card, and more.
Members receive monthly e-mails with information on the featured theme of that month along with a monthly video from Andrew Luck himself.
While the Club is geared toward children, it's a great way for parents to get involved as well by turning the monthly activities into something the whole family can do together.
For more information, and to register, visit the Change the Play website.