Fundraiser for Owensboro 11-Year-Old Battling Cancer Happens Saturday
A fundraiser is planned at Moreland Park in Owensboro for an 11-year-old girl battling a brain tumor. Friends of the Stracener family are smoking Boston butts, hosting a cornhole tournament, and more. Meet Mayme, and find out how you can help, and more about the event. #MaymesMiracle
Mayme has been described as talented, giving, strong, sweet, loving, gracious, and spiritual. These attributes will be essential in the upcoming days, weeks, and months ahead. After a routine trip to the eye doctor to get her vision checked, the doctor became concerned with what he saw on the eye scan. A local Ophthalmologist confirmed there was something putting pressure on her optic nerves. After a trip to the ER, the family was immediately referred to Cincinnati Children's Hospital. This is where they are today. They're living a family's worst nightmare. Mayme has a brain tumor. She's in the fight of her young life, but she isn't alone. Luckily, they'll be surrounded by family, friends, and the community every step of the way.
"We are weary. We are scared. We are shocked. Who goes to pick out cute glasses in the morning and ends up with a brain tumor by the evening? My prayers are weak. One step at a time. We thank you for your love, encouragement, messages, and prayers.", April Stracener shared after the initial diagnosis
Faith will remain a strong pillar giving them the strength to face each day following Mayme's diagnosis. After their entire world has turned upside down, I pray they remain strong and courageous. I pray that the Lord heals her brain and the pain is replaced with comfort. The power of prayer can work miracles, and this beautiful family needs them all.
"This is too hard to handle and so we aren’t. We’re letting Jesus carry it. Carry us. We’re letting the body of Christ carry us through. I can’t think about tomorrow or next week but I can feel the prayers of everyone carrying us through each moment of each grueling day. His mercies are more.", April shared
Mayme loves music and she loves Jesus. In the hospital, April asked Mayme what she wanted people who were following her journey to listen to. She whispered, “I’m a child of God” which is 'Who You Say I Am' by Hillsong. This is Mayme’s faith. Her God. If she trusts Him so can we. #FaithOverFear
Push play to feel Mayme's faith and inspirational spirit!
If you know Mayme she is a light that shines and beams for Jesus. She is the girl who stands on the balcony worshipping the Lord, plays the piano sings (and laughs) at a decibel of 100, and stands at the end of her driveway with signs about Jesus. This is the girl that doesn’t get shaken… but she is human. And the Lord is using her for some reason right now to tell a story. How I wish I could take this from her so it wasn’t part of her testimony… but I just have to trust that He has a purpose. - Brandie McCabe
While Derrick and April focus on Mayme's care, their responsibilities at home don't stop. A fundraiser has been set up to help ease the financial burden for the family. Come out to Moreland Park in Owensboro on September 16th, 2023 for a day of fun. You can get a Boston butt for just $40 each (Pre-Order Info Below). Participate in the Homerun Derby from 3 until 8 (Ages 8-12/Prizes) or Cornhole Tournament - $40 per team (Registration at 1:30/Bags drop at 2:30).
There will be a big silent auction with amazing items to bid on between 2 and 6. 50/50 pot at Moreland Park and Jack C. Fischer Park. The team is looking for additional auction items if you can help. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Stracener family. This is a humble family and besides prayers, would never ask anyone for anything. But, that's not how it goes when you have a tribe of people that want to help. When you find out someone you love has a serious illness it's devastating. You want to do anything to help to ease suffering. This is a great way to support them through their healing process. When something devastating like this happens it puts into perspective what is important in life.
"Back home from another trip to Cincinnati. This one was to have an EKG and Echo (for baseline as treatment can affect heart function) and to meet with Neuro-Oncology to go over the targeted treatment chosen for Mayme. We discussed what St. Jude had also concluded after receiving all of her scans and samples. In Mayme fashion, sis seems to be one that stands out as unique. Her tumor markers aren’t 100% DLGNT but also not 100% higher grade glioma. Having traits of both disqualified her from any current clinical trial that would target one of those individually. However, Mayme tested for a rare genetic mutation that has been found (very recently) to respond well in some patients. They started the “dance” with our insurance 2 days ago as they said this can be a long process. TODAY the oncology nurse called to tell me to their surprise, our insurance has already approved her 2 medications for treatment!!!
This is another God-glorifying moment. We prayed for this.
The side effects had to be discussed and signed off on as this has only been out of the trial phase since March. We are prepared for all the things while also praying against the more harsh possibilities. Mayme was involved in the conversation and ready to do this. Next Friday we go back for an MRI to have a baseline so that in 3 months we can see if the tumor is stable, shrinking, or has new growth. The treatments will be started next weekend. Somehow we are still waking up every morning with new mercies. Fresh perspective and hope for tomorrow."
As you lay your head on the pillow tonight, say a prayer for this wonderful family and Mayme. They're going through so much. I'm sure it seems like a nightmare they can't wake up from.
This little girl loves Jesus like no other and isn’t afraid to preach to the masses about His love for them. I know God is the great Healer and this will become a part of Mayme’s testimony. Please join me in praying for Mayme in the coming days that peace will overtake her family and that God will work a miracle in her body. - Lauren Kirckof