Ahoy Mateys! Today is the 10th annual international Talk Like a Pirate Day!  I've compiled a list of ways for you to celebrate!I've always thought pirates were pretty cool.  When I was 16 I bought  a giant pirate flag, and that hung on my ceiling until I went to college.  Haha yeah...let's not tell anyone about that! I was weird.. But anyways, I think my interest in pirates, was mainly because I love anything nautical.  My grandpa was in the Navy so I guess it runs in my blood! And I mean it doesn't help that Johnny Depp was probably the hottest pirate ever.  I mean helloooo Captain Jack Sparrow! ha Anyways enough of that let's get onto celebrating one of the coolest days of the year.

1) In order to celebrate INTLAP (International Talk Like a Pirate day!) You first need to change your facebook settings to pirate speak. This will really help you get into the mood.  To do this just look at the right hand side of the page and scroll down, just  below all the ads you'll see in small blue letters "English" click it and a box will appear in the first row down a ways you'll see "English (Pirate)" click it and BAM pirate all over yo dash!

2) Once you've got facebook all piratey you need to give yourself a pirate makeover.  You could go all out and wear a costume, or just be simple and wear some cool boots (boots make me think of pirates...).  Don't forget your compass.

Me and my friend Linda as pirates on Halloween 2007 (Melissa Awesome/KISSFM)
Me and my friend Linda as pirates on Halloween 2007 (Melissa Awesome/KISSFM)

3) Drink Rum, plenty of rum. I mean "pirate" is practically in rum's name Captain Morgan, Sailor Jerry, Malibu, Parrot Bay, you catch my drift.   Unless you're not 21 in which case you should drink Root Beer.  Pirates drank root beer, don't believe me?  Well don't google it because I don't know for sure, but it seems like a piratey thing to drink. Plus Root Beer is delicious!(Can I get a Root Beer float up in here?!)

Captain Morgan USA Facebook Page
Captain Morgan USA Facebook Page

4) Swab the Poop Deck! Or just mop your kitchen...Boo that doesn't sound like fun.  I need a better number 4... Okay, swab the poop deck so that way you can have an awesome pirate themed party! Totally not kidding my 16th birthday was pirate themed, we even had a giant blow up palm tree with root beer in  it (I told you pirates drank root beer!).

16-year old Melissa Awesome with her Pirate themed birthday cake. This is embarrassing! (Melissa Awesome/ KISS FM)
16-year old Melissa Awesome with her Pirate themed birthday cake. This is embarrassing! (Melissa Awesome/ KISS FM)

5) The fifth and final awesome thing you need to do to celebrate Internation Talk Like a Pirate day, and go to their website and learn how to talk like a true buccaneer.  Then stun all of your friends with your mad skills.   I'm actually ashamed to say I spent way more time on this website then I should have because it was pretty hilarious, check it out!

So thar she blows! That's all ye land lubbers need to know about speakin' pirate and having...fun? Poor pirate talking attempt...



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