Is the Arch on the list of the Most Famous American Landmarks?
A list of the Most Famous American Landmarks has to include the iconic St. Louis Arch right? Let us take a look at the list and see what they got right, and what they clearly got wrong...

The website called roamingtheusa.com released a list of the 28 Most Famous American Landmarks of All-Time, and yes, the St. Louis Arch makes the list. But the Arch doesn't appear on the list until number 13, and this is just the beginning of the problems I have with the list. On the site, they say this about The Arch...
"In 1987 the Gateway Arch in St Louis, Missouri, was listed as a National Historic Landmark. This tribute to Thomas Jefferson’s role in the westward expansion is the tallest monument in the United States. This US landmark is 630 feet tall, making it the tallest arch in the world. The instantly recognizable US landmark was opened to the public in 1967."
So what are my overall problems with this list, well to start they got #1 wrong. On their list they have the Golden Gate Bridge number 1 right ahead of The Statue of Liberty, The Statue of Liberty should be #1. What else is wrong, I would argue that they misrepresented Chicago, this list has Cloud Gate (aka the Bean) and #7, I think the Willis Tower (former Sears Tower) should be in that spot, and they have the Empire State building NOT in the top 10?!? To see this list for yourself click here!
Here is my list of the Top 10 Most Famous American Landmarks of All-Time:
1. Statue of Liberty
2. Empire State Building
3. Golden Gate Bridge
4. Mount Rushmore
5. Hollywood Sign
6. The White House
7. Willis (Sears) Tower
8. St. Louis Arch
9. Grand Canyon
10. Las Vegas Strip