If You Could Create Any Shortcut for Facebook What Would It Be?
Kat told Rob about the shortcut features that Facebook offers for tasks like sharing a post, liking a status and even opening an attachment. They decided to come up with some shortcuts they'd like to see Facebook use.
Here's how The Rob & Kat Mykals would better Facebook with shortcut keys!
The Rob
When Kat informed me that Facebook had shortcut hotkeys, I immediately found them very nifty. While being able to seach my messages and scroll with the J/K buttons is handy, there are still a few shortcuts Facebook needs to implement. For example:
I need CTRL+M, a meme destroyer. Search for those artsy pictures with those annoying white words, and remove it from my news feed.
Listen, 2016 is an election year. Annoying political posts are coming! I want to hit CTRL+$, let Facebook search for political buzzwords or candidate's names and remove those annoying posts from my know-nothing friends!
This one should be easy, too. When I hit CTRL+SHIFT+U+S, I want facebook to look for grainy black and white photos that look like aliens forming inside of a woman's uteris. When it discovers a potential ultrasound picture... Goodbye!
This last one could be fun! How about CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+D+H. I know it will make you fingers seem like they're playing a complicated piano solo, but anytime you see a girl giving the infamous "Duck Face," this "Duck Hunt" shortcut hotkey could put a target over the duck's face with an animated BANG or even an explosion!
Kat Mykals
I think there are so many things you could do with Facebook and shortcut keys! Imagine if you could see (or not see) exactly what you wanted.
What if you could rid your newsfeed of all of the homophobic posts? Maybe CTRL+SHIFT+L+G+B+T would automatically filter those out and go ahead and unfriend those people too.
I don't know about you but I absolutely hate seeing Facebook posts full of misspellings, bad grammar and text abbreviations. How about CTL+ALT+U+R
And of course because I love all of the cute, I would need a shortcut key that would show me all of the cute and adorable cats on Facebook. CTL+SHIFT+M+E+O+W
If you could create a shortcut key on Facebook what would you have it do? Ctl + Alt + X = ???Rob would have one that deletes all of the ultrasound pictures. Kat's would show her all of the cute cat pictures!
Posted by 106.1 KISS-FM on Thursday, October 22, 2015