Granted Plans Second Annual Wheels for Wishes Ride Sept. 13, 2020
Our friends at Granted have a busy fall planned, in spite of the pandemic we're going through. In addition to their Fall Festival Plan B fundraiser, they also have their second annual Wheels for Wishes Charity Ride in September.
In addition to motorcycles, this year's event will allow some other vehicles like Jeeps, classics, and exotic cars join in the fun and help grant Wishes to local children with terminal or life-threatening conditions. Stick around after the ride for some delicious Dewig hot dogs and brats, plus live music from Home School Drop Outs.
The entry fee is $20 for each driver, and $10 for each passenger. If there's bad weather, and they have to cancel the event, all advance reservations will be considered a donation to help Granted further their mission of serving local children.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
4:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Bud's Harley-Davidson 4700 E Morgan Ave Evansville, IN
Granted is a community based non-profit organization based in Evansville, Indiana dedicated to granting wishes to children in Southwestern Indiana, Southeastern Illinois, and Western Kentucky, who are ages 3-18 with terminal or life threatening illnesses.