Free Christmas Breakfast Friday Morning in Downtown Owensboro
My cohost is currently on vacation. But, when Angel returns she will immediately resume doing what she always does. She will be taking care of other people in a way that is distinctly her. A way that is distinctly her and her husband Joe.
They have decided to host a FREE Christmas breakfast at English Park in downtown Owensboro. With the help of donations from the community and volunteers rolling up their sleeves and chipping in, they'll begin serving at 9am. While most families are spending time at home with their loved ones, Angel and Joe are selflessly making sure that everyone gets to feel that same sense of love. And they're doing it by serving up a delicious Christmas morning meal.
The menu? They're serving sausage biscuits, gravy, cinnamon rolls, fruit, hash brown casserole, juice and milk. Plus, there will be a limited supply of "Blessing Bags," which will include gum, mints, crackers and Warm Hands.
I asked Angel what inspired the breakfast. She said, "So many go without or have no one on Christmas. We just want to fellowship with people on Christmas because we have been taken care of and want to make it a community effort."
Now, since it's a community effort, there are certainly ways for YOU to help if you'd like.
First, here's the needs list Angel posted to Facebook yesterday . . .
And, Angel adds, "Anyone wanting to volunteer, please let me know. We will serve at 9am at English Park."