When the lights go out, hilarity ensues.

I have never fainted. I've passed out numerous times, but those were always alcohol induced. I'm talking about fainting, when you're completely sober and for some reason, everything goes black, you become dead weight and hit the floor.

While I've never done it myself, I have witnessed it first hand. The identity of those involved will be kept secret to save them the added embarrassment. As the story goes, I was at a birthday party for someone I knew, also at this party was a clown who was friend of the guest of honor. By clown, I mean a legit, big red shoes, red nose, rainbow wig wearing clown who was making balloon animals for the kids in attendance.

In order to speed up the process, he used a small, plastic pump to blow up the balloons. Another party guest (and friend of the clown) laid down a challenge that he could blow up one balloon with his mouth quicker than the clown could with the pump. My wife has an uncle who is a Shriner clown and I can tell you by experience, the balloons they use to make the animals are nearly impossible to blow up with your mouth if you don't know what you're doing. They have to be stretched out, and you can't let your cheeks bulge out like when you blow up a regular balloon. It's all about keeping your lips tight, inhaling through your nose, and keeping a steady stream of air blowing through your lips. And even then, it's still really, really hard. And no, I was not the guy who laid down the challenge, nor was my wife's uncle the clown in question. Trust me, if it were me, I would have said that from the start.

Back to the story, a small crowd of us were standing around with the challenge was issued and someone volunteered to do the countdown that started the competition. After a quick 3-2-1, the battle began. Not surprisingly, the clown jumped out to a quick lead while the challenger put all he had into blowing up his balloon. So much so that his entire head turned blood red. As he stopped to catch his breath, his eyes glazed over and he said the magic words, "I think I'm going to pass out." It was the one thing he was right about.

He took about a half step backwards trying to regain his balance, but by then it was too late. He fell to the floor, banging his elbow on the edge of a nearby table in the process causing it to bust open. To his credit, he wasn't out more than a few seconds, but make no mistake, for those few seconds, he was out.

It looked a lot like this video compilation of other people passing out. One minute they're standing upright feeling fine, the next minute they're on the floor with a crowd gathered around trying to help them up. Be warned, while there's nothing graphic about this video, some of the falls are gasp-inducing and may result in a naughty word or two escaping your lips (especially the end), but more than likely, they'll all make you laugh.


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