Evansville Man Offering Mason Jar Containing a GHOST on the Nextdoor App
Mason jars are great for storing homemade goodies, drinking some sweet tea, lemonade, and you can even get fancy milkshakes in them. But did you know that mason jars are also used for capturing ghosts?
This intriguing post on the Nextdoor app caught my eye. Wait a minute. This guy captured a ghost in a mason jar, after experiencing some paranormal activity, and now he's giving it away? Is this a joke?
Some other Nextdoor users believe it is true, and even have suggestions of their own.
'Put it in a wooden box with garlic and seal it up good with duct tape. I would mail it as far out of town as I could.' - Heidi N.
'Bury it.' - Bev M.
'I'll take it if it needs a good home. I have a friend up north in an already haunted house who would love more.' - Stephanie S.
'How will you know if the two can cohabitate?' - Jennifer S.
'Could you please share the method or technique that you use to trap the ghost? I know we’ve got one in our house and have had one in there for a long time, also probably my parents so any help would be appreciated thank you so much!' - Michael W.
'Open the jar, turn off the lights, light a candle, stare into the window chanting “redrum” for 6 minutes, and then quickly close the jar.' - Joshua (Author of post)
I reached out to Joshua so we could see more pics and find out more about this paranormal business, but he hasn't responded to me yet.