10 of the Most Ridiculous 911 Calls Shared by Evansville Watch 2022
Obviously, most of the 9-1-1 calls that come into our local dispatch centers are serious and nothing to laugh at. Other calls just make you shake your head. Here are ten of those ridiculous calls. Thanks to our friends at EvansvilleWatch for documenting everything in real-time.
What Silliness is This?
This time around we have everything from McMishaps, fake violinists at Target, a staring contest between neighbors, and dudes that really want to workout. Oh, and my goodness. We have to talk about the creeper that exposed himself at Jimmy Johns! I can only imagine how freaky fast the manager got him out of the store.
Are Fries Making Us Crazy?
When you see the calls our local police get from fast-food restaurants, you will be wondering if it is the grease in the air or just too much saltiness.

Seriously Though, Call 9-1-1 If You Have an Emergency
if you feel like something is off, don't ignore that sixth sense, it's probably right. Our police and first responders are great about diffusing situations before they get too out of hand.
Examples of 911 Calls that Really Aren't
- Loud Music
- Dogs Barking
- Fireworks (Unless your house is on fire)
- VIN Check on a Vehicle
- Copy of a Report
- Requesting an Officer to make your child behave (Or get ready for school) True story.
10 Ridiculous 911 Calls Shared by Evansville Watch
Did you know that most 9-1-1 operators can only handle around three years of the job? It is a very demanding job that requires the ability to multitask under very stressful conditions, and a lot of patience. Sometimes that patience is used to deal with complaints that aren't really emergencies. In fact, some of them are just plain ridiculous.
10 of the Most Ridiculous 9-1-1 Calls from EvansvilleWatch
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