YMCA Offering Parent’s Night Out!
Are you and your spouse or friends due for a night out but you have kids? We have the solution!
The YMCA wants to help you get out of the house and have some adult time! They are offering four Saturday's where they will watch your kids! Now you don't have to worry about your babysitter cancelling or your in-laws forgetting they promised to watch the kids! Enjoy a night out knowing the kids will be having fun of their own.
The YMCA will be offering swimming, crafts, snacks, and more! There are limited spots available and you have to pre-register so why not go ahead and plan some kid friendly evenings. The YMCA will be offering "Parent's Night Out" Saturday's 2/23,4/13, 6/22, 7/20! For only $15 bucks sign your kid up, drop them off, and head out on the town (or head back home for some peace and quiet)!