World’s Ugliest Ties – 10 Ties You Shouldn’t Buy Dad for Father’s Day
What makes a truly hideous tie? Is it the color? The shape? The presence of marine life? The truth is, there’s no one answer, which is why we’ve given you 10. It doesn’t matter how you knot it, ties don’t get much worse than this.
Check out 10 ties to avoid buying for Father’s Day.
Dolphin Tie
Dad’s going to have a hard time convincing people to save the dolphins when he’s walking around in one of these. eBay, $19.95
Greco-Roman Wrestling Tie
Look, we’re not knocking Greco-Roman wrestling, it’s just that some of those moves can be a little distracting on a tie. Seriously, that third move down? WildTies, $9.95
Scalloped Tie
Scallops are great with a nice sear and a little bit of butter and lemon. They’re not so great on the sides of a tie. King Cart, prices may vary
Salami Tie
How can a tie be so ugly and so delicious at the same time? This tie gets big points for artistic vision and execution. Unfortunately, it loses most of them for making us want to throw up. We recommend you make dad a salami sandwich instead. Anton Repponen, price not listed
Fish Tie
Would you wear a real fish around your neck? Here’s a tie you should have definitely thrown back into the water. Why not just take Dad fishing instead? Amazon, $19.95
Internal Organs Tie
Inner beauty is what truly matters. Unfortunately, what’s inside the man wearing this tie is absolutely disgusting. Zazzle, $38
Ice Cream Tie
Hey, at least it doesn’t matter if you get ice cream on your tie. Still, this would definitely take Pops out of the running for World’s Greatest Dad. Wild Ties, $39.95
Light-Up Computer Tie
Chances are you don’t need this LED-lit circuit board tie to tell the world you’re a computer geek. Enlighted, $75
Tie With A Tie on It
A lime green tie with a picture of a tie on it. The only thing that could make it worse is if it had fruit loops on it. Oh now wait … Zazzle, $35.50
Optical Illusion Tie
This tie is an optical illusion. If you look at it closely, it looks like the ugliest tie you’ve ever seen. Zazzle, $32
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