I'm not a professional, I just really don't think this sounds like a good idea...

Recently an episode of National Geographic's 'Taboo' made headlines when they talked about a new body modification craze called bagel heads.


When you think of body modification, you usually think of the typical body modifications we see pretty much everyday.  Like piercings and tattoos. I have 7 piercings (nothing too crazy, just 3 in each ear and one in my nose!) I also don't have any tattoos, but I have a couple in mind that I'd really like to get, just currently with school  and a car payment tattoos aren't exactly top priority. However some people really like to take body modifications to a whole new level... like making their foreheads look like bagels.

I know what you're probably thinking what the H-E-double hockey sticks are these people thinking?? And I can't lie, I kind of am thinking that too.  However the bagel on your head doesn't last forever, just 16-24 hours, because your body does absorb the saline. Also, after their forehead gets all mega puffy with saline the artist then pushes the middle of the forehead in to create the bagely effect. Now this leads me to ask some questions, does the bagel head leave any permanent marks?  When your head "deflates" will your forehead skin be saggy? Will this cause some serious wrinkles?  And also simply, why?

Check out the video below of 3 people getting their bagel heads on! My favorite part is when one guy says "Sweet buttery bagels, I look delicious".

Think you'll become a bagel head anytime soon?

WARNING! If you are squeamish, this video does show a needle being put into someones forehead, and also an extremely bagely looking forehead....which is also pretty disturbing.

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