In high school I had a teacher who was the coolest and the one lesson he continuously taught in class was "you never text message break-up".   I always thought Mr. JBizzle was correct.  This article had me thinking.... Is there ever an appropriate time to text message break-up?


I found this hilarious article on gizmodo written by a man named Sam Biddle and he says that there are times when text message break-ups are acceptable.  Do you agree?

He does say in his article that no, if you are in a relationship and want to break things off that is not an acceptable time to TMB (Text message break-up), social media break up, or any other form of breaking up besides face to face that you can think of.  I mean you spent the last (insert amount of time you were together here) and should probably give the other person at least some respect.

But according to Sam, there are 4 acceptable reasons to TMB, here they are:

1)The One Night Stand

Sam says that if it is a one night stand that resulted in an exchange of numbers and you just aren't feeling another round, it's acceptable to break it off through text messaging.  I can agree with this one, while I've never had a one night stand before, I'm sure they're probably awkward...

2) Casual dating

Sam defines casual dating as  you've been out to dinner a few times, and things just don't seem like they're working out and you don't feel like discussing things face to face.  Maybe you just lost interest, and there is nothing wrong with that.

I can see where in this situation it's not serious enough to really need a sit down talk, but at the same time, you really want to quit seeing this person, that makes sense.  I mean in my opinion there's "dating" and then there is "relationship" like I see it as, you date to find out if this is a person you would like to pursue a relationship with.  Is this making sense?  That's just my view on it, so I can see where a text message may be the best choice in this scenario.

3) The Booty Call

In the article Sam makes a good point, if you're not into this anymore you could always just screen the calls and then let it fizzle out.  The only problem I see with that is sometimes people are hard heads, and the whole call screening thing just doesn't really work and you end up with 157 missed calls and 10-zillion texts.  Sometimes it's just easier to bite the bullet and put those 160 charecters to use with a quick "what's up, this isn't working out.  I'm not feelin' the booty calls anymore" and then BAM how much easier can ya get? Short, sweet, and to the point. Sam and I agree on yet another TMB.

4) The Long Distance Relationship

He explains this as the situation where you're both in different time zones, and get to a point where you're just going through the motions to avoid a conflict, but you know it's going nowhere, and you can't even find time to skype with the person.  He says it's best to just bite the bullet and send the text, and be done with it.  In this case, I am on the fence.  It really depends on how serious you guys are.  I mean clearly if you rarely see eachother and can't even find time to skype or even talk on the phone then maybe a text is the best way.  But if it's been a serious thing for a while, I'd say it's probably best to either talk on the phone at least if you can't meet up.  But that's just me.

"You can get away with these things, if done properly. But don't ruin the ethical breakup text for the rest of us. Don't abuse the medium. Temper the shock of letting someone down electronically by letting them down easy. Be brief, but be kind."  -Sam Biddle

Do you agree with the ways of the TMB?  I think for the most part, just call up the person or talk to them face to face, but if it falls under these categories, I think a TMB can be a good thing.  Your thoughts?

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