I've only seen bits and pieces of the classic 1975 thriller, Jaws and although the special effects seem archaic by today's computer generated standards, my understanding is that the story line and the images it presented induced such fear in the public's mind that people second guessed whether a trip to the beach was a good idea. But how would the viewing public have reacted had the company behind Mickey Mouse and his friends produced the film? Take a look for yourself.

A film production company in London called, "The White House" (based on the fact that the company started in a small, white house) has creatively taken scenes from the film and re-edited them to make it appear that Roy Schneider's character, Chief Martin Brody,  isn't out to eliminate the beach menace, but save him from those that do including marine scientist Matt Hooper played by Richard Dreyfuss. It's a heartwarming tale the public could "sink its teeth into" had they "taken the bait" (OK, I'll stop).

Simply for reference, here's the original trailer circa 1975

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