The University of Evansville has spoken out about the events over the weekend.


The University of Evansville, a college celebrated for it's curriculum and diversity, has released a statement in regards to the Immigration Restriction Order that was enacted by President Trump over the weekend. Here is that statement:

"The University of Evansville draws it strength from the broad diversity of its students, staff, and faculty. Our mission as an institution of higher education affiliated with the United Methodist Church calls us to create and sustain an environment in which people from all nations, cultures, and religions feel safe and supported as they pursue an education.

The recent executive order restricting immigration to the United States by residents of seven countries contradicts the values of openness and inclusion that support UE’s educational mission and core identity. We urge the administration to rescind this order, and we encourage political leaders from all parties and branches of government to strengthen the protections that our nation has historically extended to immigrants and refugees who want to improve their lives by working and studying in the United States.

We are proud to affirm our unequivocal support for the members of our community who come from nations affected by this executive order. These students, faculty, staff, and administrators have made enormous contributions to the educational and cultural environment of the University and of the Evansville community, and we will do everything in our power to protect their right to work and study here.  At UE, we stand by the principle that access to a quality education for all, including international, refugee and undocumented students, is essential for a world that is safer and better prepared to deal with the challenges we face.”

The University of Evansville happily welcomes exchange students and also full-time students from other countries. Personally, I'm very proud that the university has released this statement. You can see the original source here.

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