U-Haul Offering Help to College Students Being Sent Home Due to Coronavirus
The new coronavirus outbreak has caused a lot of colleges and universities to close their campuses in an attempt to contain the spread. The University of Evansville, and Indiana University among others have extended their spring breaks for a couple of weeks, while places like Harvard have completely cancelled on-campus classes for the rest of the semester. As a result, students are being forced to move out of their dorm rooms and perhaps move back home (if possible) until further notice.

This move has put quite a number of college students in a bind as they have no money to travel back home, some overseas, let alone having a place to store all of their stuff in the mean time. Luckily, companies like U-haul have stepped up to try and help. According to their website and social media posts, U-haul is offering 30-days FREE STORAGE to any college student being sent home do to the coronavirus outbreak!

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