Kentucky Winters can often mean frozen windshields first thing in the morning. Are you tired of scraping your car in the freezing cold? This hack is genius yet so simple and will have you to work and school on time.
Winter weather can show up quickly and without much warning this time of the year. Make sure you have these essentials for a safe and fun Indiana winter.
Discover the tradition of using persimmon seeds to predict winter weather in IN & KY. Will it be mild, snowy, or bitterly cold? See the seeds found and decide!
With the nasty cold that was ushered into the area thanks to Winter Storm Elliott, it is possible that you may encounter an animal that has been exposed to brutal temperatures but what should you do?
As Winter Storm Elliott unleashes bone-chilling temperatures and blizzard-like conditions all across the country, there is the risk that some Hoosiers may find themselves without adequate warmth to protect them from the chill.