The 2016 Presidential Election is over, and Donald Trump will take over the White House as the 45th President of these United States. As is the case with nearly everything these days, people took to Twitter to express their feelings during and after the votes were counted. I took a few of my favorites and read them out loud — after sucking on a few helium balloons.
Thanks to Mother Nature blasting us with two nasty snow storms recently, a rash of new potholes have popped up on streets all over Evansville leading Mayor Winnecke's office to start their annual Pothole Blitz nearly a month early. This time, however, they're asking residents to use Twitter to report streets in need of repair.
Earlier this week, we came across a local news story of a man doing the robot, in the middle of Green River Road. We realized that we have had some strange news come from right here in the Tri-State. So this week's Humpday Hashtag is #EvansvilleNews...
It was eight years ago that Twitter moved onto the social media stage. To celebrate, the company is inviting users to join its founders for a trip back in time...all the way to their very first tweet.
People never seem to be shy about letting celebrities know how they really feel. But only over twitter of course. But what happens when those celebrities take the time to read those texts? Turns out if actually pretty funny.
Jimmy Kimmel does a segment on his night show where he has celebrities read the mean things people tweet about them...