
Poppin' Caps
Poppin' Caps
Poppin' Caps
After accepting an invite from the Evansville Police Department's weapons instructor, Chuck Knoll, Kat Mykals and I went to the depths of Warrick County to learn proper gun safety and shooting technique. Watch out bad guys (and cardboard targets)!
Posting Photos Online Could Pose Safety Risk [VIDEO]
Posting Photos Online Could Pose Safety Risk [VIDEO]
Posting Photos Online Could Pose Safety Risk [VIDEO]
That picture that your son just posted from the school gym? It can be traced. The picture of your daughter and her friends being goofy at a slumber party? It can be mapped. You do it. I do it. Our kids are doing it - posting pictures online from our smartphones, but are we sharing more than just a funny photo...
Don’t Text And Walk PSA [VIDEO]
Don’t Text And Walk PSA [VIDEO]
Don’t Text And Walk PSA [VIDEO]
We've all heard of the dangers of texting and driving, but what about texting and walking? Have you ever been involved in a walking/texting accident? Check out this PSA geared towards teaching you proper texting and walking etiquette.
Just Because It’s Summer Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Have To Stop For The School Bus
Just Because It’s Summer Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Have To Stop For The School Bus
Just Because It’s Summer Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Have To Stop For The School Bus
Something that you may not have realized, or even considered for a second, is that just because it's summer, doesn't mean that you don't still have to stop for a stopped school bus. It had not occurred to me that some students may be attending summer school, and summer school means school buses running routes...
Help Your Pets Beat The Heat
Help Your Pets Beat The Heat
Help Your Pets Beat The Heat
Summer is coming and that means high tempratures. When you start thinking about going to the pool to cool off, don't forget that Fido is probably hot too! Most of us have enough common sense to not leave our pets unattended in a hot car. Anyone who has ever come outside from having lunch and sat down in the car knows just how intense the heat can be...