Alright, I’m going to be completely honest: when I saw that Power Rangers director Dean Isrealite had commented on his film’s PG-13 rating, I thought we were in for another round of confusing comments about the need for R-rated summer movies. Given the worldwide success of Deadpool, we’ve seen plenty of studios succumb to the siren song of mature adaptations. Warner Bros. has openly pledged to make more R-rated DC animated movies. 20th Century Fox will reportedly push for an R-rating with its upcoming Venom cinematic universe. Even Marvel, the current lead dog of superhero films, has felt compelled to weigh in on the issue (spoiler alert: it’s not going to happen). So sure, why not add Power Rangers to the mix?
Ricardo Medina, who starred on 'Power Rangers Wild Force' and 'Power Rangers Samurai,' admits he stabbed his roommate after an argument over a parking job.
Just in case you weren’t sure, this is just your regular reminder that the live-action Power Rangers movie is not a prolonged April Fools joke and is actually something that is happening. For real. While we’ve heard a lot of talk about the movie, today we have our first photo from the film with Elizabeth Banks as the villainous Rita Repulsa...
I know, you're probably thinking "Power Rangers are soooo 1998" but they are actually still around! Crazy right?! Though the new power rangers may not be nearly as cool as the classic ones, this video is definitely awesome.